Tako the game, coming soon !
Hi everyone, it’s me again. After a while of hard work last couple of months, i got my head fresh now to make some stuff. For sure i have less pressure at work now . wooooow !
Anyway, i resumed some of my on hold project plus some new simple stuff, and everything will be announced on time ;), plus continued working in Coated too. But couple of days i was checking GameTakeo (the biggest middle east gaming & indie community) and found a new competition started, i guess i will take part in that one too. But the point is , i started to think little a bit about GameTako itself & it’s founders, and this guys give lots of their OWN free time to make that community & this amazing competitions for us “developers” without asking for one cent !
So, i found it will be little sweet if i worked in small little thing “game” with the Tako character itself as a game hero. ! yea, it is very cool to have an Octopus as your main character, but trust me it will not be another “Octodad”, it will be simple platformed with some funny stuff. And sorry GameTako if i added a “Mouth” to the Octopus, he will look cute anyway.
The character modeled, rigged & skinned now. am just taking a while to write a nice shader to show it as gelatin creature, if it will not look that cool as i imagined, i will move to plane B and use Lambert & continue working in the rest of the game assets & development.
The game should be finished by the middle of next July “2013” for web players & then if it had lots of love & will make other versions & extend the levels more. So, be tuned & hope everyone like this Gift 🙂
By the way, a funny note, i got a couple of weeks ago an interview in Japanese company here in Shanghai, and the guy who interviewed me, his name was “Tako” and it means an Octopus, but in Japanese 😀
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