Unreal Python[S]

I have created a public repo where i’ll be cleaning up most of my personal unreal Python scripts that I’ve made (and keep making) to help me in processing many things faster while working with UE4 pipelines.
You can access the public repository on GitHub here. I’ve another larger private repo on gitlab full of the entire library of my scripts, but i would not love to share it right away, as there are many many outdated scripts or chunks of scripts, things need updates, things are replaced or removed from the main Py api of UE4, so I found it more safe to pick them one by one, make sure it works without any errors, and then push it to the public repo.

And to warm up, here is the first one in this series, make sure to follow the channel or the twitter account to get the latest news regarding the new scripts, i won’t be posting here per script.


I’ve created a public playlist, so things get easier to follow while scripts getting added frequently
