The Unreal Garden!

Few months ago I did dump all the info regarding the UnrealEngine git repo. It was interesting seeing how many commits are in there, who made them, who is the most active user, who did the first commit,…etc. A ton of interesting data to know, not critical or essential, but nice to know if you love that tech!

But at the same time it never been enough or user friendly, so I started looking up for any previous tries of visualizing git data in more friendly way than text in a console font! and I was lucky to find out Gource (GitRepo or PreCompiled)! Which is an opensource git repo/app that allow you to visualize all the data related to any sourcecontrol based repo by going through it’s logs.

And as soon as I found it, I totally forgot the main reason i was looking for such a project. I enjoyed during all this time toying with it, as it is an opensource software, so it was a good chance to see its inner workings specially when I found out it is based on my beloved-sweet-darling-ex-api OGL, and when i’m done with my researches, I decided to go back to the main goal, which is visualizing the entire history of UE4 git repo.

Results are nice, Leave you with them!

Same full sim 60fps
Only final result 30fps
Only final result 60fps

And some shots (click to enlarge)



The video got featured at website  and 80.lvTwitter