Awarded Unreal Dev Grant :)

Looks like it was my lucky day to wake up on Epic’s email letting me know that they chooses me (and other 5 persons) for their latest Unreal Dev Grants round.

___”….Muhammad A. Moniem – Muhammad is a gameplay programmer who has been an avid Unreal Engine 4 user since the engine was first released to the public. In addition to publishing free tutorials on a weekly basis on his website, Muhammad has also published three books on mastering the engine, lighting and rendering essentials, and learning iOS game development on UE4. Follow Muhammad on Twitter or visit his website to learn more.”___

Click here for the full post.

Thanks Epic and UnrealEngine team 🙂


Epic has created a $5,000,000 development fund to provide financial grants to innovative projects built in and around Unreal Engine 4. Awards range from $5,000 to $50,000, and there are no strings attached: you continue to own your IP, are free to publish however you wish, and can use the grant funds without any restrictions or obligations to Epic.

