The Dark Side of me


It was a shock for me when a guy asked me does i know anything about 3d 😀 or am i familier with any 3d Package 😀

Let’s go back with the time machine:


Me 1999 while studing How to draw to make my own 2d games

2013–>2012–>2011–>2010–>2009–>2008–>2007–>2006–>2005–>2004–>2003–>2002–>2001…Yes we are here man, we are in 2001 where i decided to stop for a while from writing Un-Known words”Code” and start make something visual 😀

in that year, i started to understand what is the 3d thing because it is the only way to make a 3d game 🙂 and it was somthing intersting that time. My brother brough me a 3dsMax 2.0 And it was for “Discreet” that time. And here it begins my journey with 3d thing.r2

I started as a 3d generalist , and then i found my way to the art of animation as i was a nice artist 😀 So, i learned how to move things and animate stuff, and at the age of 16 i got my first Job in that field, as an animator (not junior & not leader, just animator) in a cartoon company. And because i had a nice taste in animation it was very fast to be one of the most famous animators in Egypt and MiddleEast Area, On that time i was keep learning lots of stuff (Specially in Alias-Maya). I learned my self Modeling, UV, Rigging, Texturing and shading, How to make mel Scripts for Maya, Fluids, Rendering (Maya Software, Mental ray, Vray & Renderman) and that followed by som other softwares like AfterEffects, Nuke, Fusion , Mudbox, Realflow & Indorphen. I taught my self lots and lots of softwares to be able to make my own projects, to be able to make games and it’s own animations. So, yes it was a long way. Soon (i guess this week) i will add a section contain some of my 3d work and stuff 🙂

So, yes buddy, i know some stuff in 3d 😀 and this is why i do lots of indie games now, i can make all my assets, animations, UI and code too 🙂
