Python Times
Python Times is and unreal engine editor plugin that allow python scripts to auto-execute at a wide range of editor occasions. In the lines below will be showing how easy it is to use with Unreal python scripts.
After getting the project sample, you can run it.
First thing to do, is to enable the Python Times plugin.

This will show the plugin in your project directory

And you will be able to locate the the plugin settings within your project settings

For this sample project, there are some values are set already for quick testing. Also there are some basic test python scripts in there. For more advanced scripts you either write your own, or you can use some of the famous free unreal python scripts library that is found here.
The project scripts are located at /Content/Python/…

I’ll be testing now this occasion of pythong scripts automation

What I’ve set here, is to call two scripts wherever a file is successfully deleted. Call those two scripts one after another. Those are not doing anything fancy, they do print things to console. But you can replace with your own scripts that do validation, fix up redirectories, renaming,….etc.

Now i’ll select an asset that i don’t want anymore!

Proceed to delete it, either from the right click context menu, or by the keyboard key

and once approved, and successfully deleted. both scripts will execute

And you can see their output in the log.
And of course, don’t forget, if you’re new to unreal python world, there is a full dedicated course that takes you from the first steps into mastering that topic…I would say it’s the best course out there for that topic…but won’t say it 😛
