Mirage’s Features & Tools #7

For the past few weekends, i decided to work more into Screenshop, and try to pack it with nice (working) features. The Screenshop used to be around for long time, but most of the img formats were either not implemented or broken. So it was that time…
Taking progressive screenshots as well as animated images is something essential for me. So, wanted to get rid before the post-processing revamping.

The Screenshop now supports:

  • Capturing PNG, JPG, TGA, BMP, PPM & Animated GIF files.
  • Scale Up/Down captured images.
  • Define a pixel filtering method for the stored images.
  • Capture with or without UI (also a global define to capture from swapchain or framebuffer).
  • Define area of the window to capture the animated GIF (as well as Fullscreen GIF capture).
  • Define the duration, compression & frames inbetween for animated GIF.
  • Automatic creation of user folders for screenshots & gifs

P.S. Yes, it is screenshop tool, not screenshot tool!

Don’t forget, all the videos are in this playlist
