
Tokyo Game Show, Japan 2013. Journey, one of the best games ever made!


i’m Muhammad (M, MM, Mo, MoMo,…those are all names given to me by my lovely Chinese friends for easier pronunciation) . Born in Egypt & worked there, traveled a lot to work in different countries (in Africa, Asia, Europe & North America) as a Programmer for PC & Consoles in the game industry (Graphics/Engine &Tools) but also ( AI, Gameplay, UI & whatnot sometimes). Very passionate about games and like to write codes using any language, SDK, API, Framework or engine..you name it! i Like to have new challenges to learn new thing everyday.

i learned a lot of other none-programming related thing on the past years, mostly about 3d pipelines & animation (uv, offline-rendering, simulation, rigging, houdini, realflow, mudbox, texturing,….etc.), and this helped me a lot in making mini full games from start to end..Which was a dream. i loved Alias Maya and XSI!
Because All my knowledge is a self taught effort, i’m glad to say i’m NOT that good, and i’m lacking for a ton knowledge/stuff & i’m always willing to learn.

i started my career very early and there weren’t resources (not even YouTube, Kindle, Wifi or even DSL), so trial and error was the only approach for long time in all fields until it became my DNA, this been my life before university (Bio-Science Bachelor Degree) and first time to work was in a junior position at 14! So i kinda raised  in companies offices, by my adult team mates, not at home by parents! Team mates at that time used to treat me as their kiddo, not co-worker!

Note: the parents thing above is just an expression, there is no deny to the great efforts my parents put in raising me & the hard work they’ve done to get me everything they could, i’m/was blessed to get this exact wonderful mom & dad.

Can’t recall the year, but was great time with my dad (he took the photo), in his journey of
investing me things beyond school curriculums!

(Place is the Faculty of Fine Arts, during summer courses for young attendees)

People who have worked with me always used to say 2 things :
* i’m LUCKY person !
* i’ve a huge amount of positive energy, and i do pass it to anyone get around me!


“Been doing that for really really long time! And not yet tired of it!!!”
P.S. 1 – i work in the coffee and cola industry (aka the game industry) ☕🥤
P.S. 2 – i don’t accept job offers that has “interrogation” instead of “interview” calls! ONLY “casual chats” 😑
P.S. 3 – Yes i know that my “i” should be “I” not “i” in order to be correct, but i like it that way 😅
P.S. 4 – Don’t mind my typos, i do a lot of typos due to the hyper-speed i use on the keyboard + tall fingers ^_^

Note: all the work here is personal(This site just about me as me & my free time activities.), for a list of commercial projects I took part in, please contact me;

//Favorite Games

//Favorite Consoles

//Favorite Designers

//Thoughts in game development:

//Some Quotes

//Some Recommendations


//Movies i Loved(& TV may be)

//Happy To Listen To

And finally, i think 2001 is my favorite year!

In addition to FIFA2001 which was the best FIFA game ever made by EA (imo) and was the last one I played in the series!